About me
“A believer of constructing sustainable habitats as a solution to modern-world issues of energy crisis, climate change, and aging population”

I design climate resilient, energy-efficient, comfortable habitats for people.
I use over a decade of research experience in civil, wind, and building engineering with my passion and energy to design sustainable living spaces to improve urban quality of life.
The highlights of research are the vane that I designed for simulating twisting wind profiles in boundary layer wind tunnels, a novel set of inflow boundary conditions proposed for simulating twisted wind profiles in CFD simulation, the equivalent wind incidence angle method – a correction method for in cooperating the effects of twisted wind profiles for the Air Ventilation Assessment, and the guidelines for adopting major international wind loading standards in the Sri Lankan context.
Currently, my research transcends from conventional topics in wind engineering to the most grave problems in cities such as energy-crisis, climate change, and aging population. As solutions to these pressing problems, I design sustainable, energy-efficient, and age-friendly built environments following a sound theoretical approach verified by physical and numerical simulations.
What I do
I investigate wind-related environmental issues in cities and provide sustainable solutions to them using physical and numerical modeling combined with artificial intelligence.

Wind Tunnel Testing
I design and conduct wind tunnel tests for Air Ventilation Assessment (AVA), evaluating pedestrian-level wind environments, topographical test, and pressure measurement of buildings.

CFD Simulation
I use CFD as a main tool for estimating wind and thermal comfort in built-environment, modelling near-field air pollutant dispersion, assessing natural ventilation , and calculating wind loads on buildings.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
I combine AI with conventional modelling techniques to accelerate wind engineering applications. I employ explainable AI to identify mechanisms and influence factors of wind actions on built environments.
Wind Tunnel testing
- Air Ventilation Assessment (AVA)
- Pedestrian-level wind environment
- Pressure test of buildings
- Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
CFD simulations
- Pedestrian-level wind environment
- Air pollutant dispersion
- Natural ventilation of buildings
- Wind loads on buildings
Building Performance Simulation
- Multi-zone airflow modelling
- Indoor thermal environment
- HVAC estimation
2011 – 2016
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
PhD in Civil Engineering
Dissertation: Characterization and Modeling of the Twisted Wind Profile and Its Impacts on the Wind Environment around Buildings.
Advisor: Prof. Tim K. T. Tse
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
MSc in Civil Engineering
Dissertation: Strategies for Adopting New Trends in Wind Load Evaluation of Structures.
Advisor: Prof. M. T. R. Jayasinghe
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering
Professional Qualifications
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK
- Member of International Association of Wind Engineering
- Member of Hong Kong Wind Engineering Society.
- Associate Member of Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka
My Experience
2024 Apr – Present
2022 Aug-2024 Mar
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Senior Lecturer
I conduct lecturers for Year 2 and 4 Civil and Environmental Engineering undergraduates on Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics, and Research Methodologies at HKMU. I continue researching in air pollutant modelling, natural ventilation of buildings, machine learning applications in wind engineering. I collaborate with researchers from the Sun Yat-san University, Zhuhai, China, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and Windsor University on Canada on several research projects.
2019-2022 July
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Research Associate
I conduct research in air pollutant modelling, natural ventilation of buildings, machine learning applications in wind engineering at HKUST. I led two research teams to develop a surrogate model to predict pedestrian-level wind speeds, and integrate machine learning for wind engineering applications. I also co-supervise postgraduate and undergraduate students at Hong Kong and Sri Lankan universities in research and disseminates research findings via journal publications and presentations at international and local conferences.
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Senior Research Associate
I modeled reactive air pollutant dispersion in CFD simulation, and optimized building design to maximize pedestrian wind and thermal comfort near buildings in ‘hot-calm’ and ‘cold-windy’ environments at HKU. I formulated a plan for conducting wind tunnel experiments for reactive air pollutant dispersion. I co-supervised several postgraduate and undergraduate students in research and published a number of journal publications and presented research findings at international and local conferences.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Postdoctoral Fellow
I further researched ‘twisted’ wind profiles to estimate wind loading of buildings. I organized a group of researchers in building information modelling, civil, wind engineering, and building physics to propose a holistic framework to estimate natural ventilation of residential high-rise buildings in Hong Kong. I had an opportunity to conduct a series of lectures on ‘Building aerodynamics and wind resistance design of high-rise buildings.’ I co-supervised postgraduate and undergraduate students in research and published several journal publications and delivered speeches at international and local conferences.
Jan. 2011-Aug.2011
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
I conducted lectures on Building materials and construction technologies for third year civil engineering undergraduates. I was a organizing committee member of the residential survey camp and the Washington Accreditation process in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Sir John Kotelawala Defense University , Sri Lanka
Visiting lecturer
I conducted lectures and tutorial classes on Theory of Structures for engineering undergraduates. I organized examinations, and marked and graded exam papers. I coordinated the course with the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Moratuwa and KDU.